Diploma in Natural Health Science courses
The next batch of Diploma in Natural Health Science courses by IMANAH in tie up with International Hindu University starts on June 3rd 2023.
For Registrations, click on https://forms.gle/CSG9TqM3ddiGktD5A
The course purpose is to educate and empower individuals about the basic principles and practice of Natural Health Science to become self-reliant in matters of personal health. The course will guide and help people who are suffering from chronic illnesses to gradually return to normal health by adopting a natural lifestyle. Nature has provided us with abundant resources which we can leverage like ether, air, sunlight, water, and a diet which is more plant based.
Core Courses attributing to Diploma certificate (15 credits) or can be completed as individual certificate courses :-
1. NHS 5001 Introduction to Natural Health Science ( Also available in other languages: Hindi - NHSH 5001 and Tamil - NHST 5001) - 3 credits
2. NHS 5002 Nutrition and Culinary Science - 3 credits
3. NHS 5003 Hydrotherapy - 3 credits
4. NHS 5004 Air Cure - 2 credits
5. NHS 5005 Solar therapy - 2 credits
6. NHS 5006 Ether cure - 2 credits
optional courses -
7. NHS 5007 Mind and Health - 2 credits
NHS 5001 Introduction to Natural Health Science (3 credits)
Introductory course on Natural Health Science created for individuals who wish to learn principles underlying a natural and healthy lifestyle. The principles are derived from the ancient wisdom of Vedanta and approach to life aligned with nature and as expounded by Acharya Lakshman Sharma . Topics covered include five elements and role they play, basic causes of disease, impact of sleep, positive foods, yoga, pranayama, meditation, posture alignment and fasting. This course is a prerequisite to all other courses in natural health science.
Fees: US$ 199 for students residing outside India (INR 10,999 for students residing in India)
Duration: 15 weeks - Starting from June 3, 2023 (14 recorded lectures and 15 live tutorials)
NHSH 5001 Introduction to Natural Health Science - in Hindi (3 credits)
Course recording and tutoring delivered in Hindi
Fees: US $199 for International students (INR 10,999 for students residing in India)
Duration: 15 weeks - Starting from June 3, 2023 (14 recorded lectures and 15 live tutorials)
Introduction to Natural Health Science - in Tamil (3 credits)
Course recording and tutoring delivered in Tamil
Fees: US $199 for International students (INR 10,999 for students residing in India)
Duration: 15 weeks - Starting from June 3, 2023 (14 recorded lectures and 15 live tutorials)
NHS 5002 Nutrition and Culinary Science (3 credits)
In this follow on course focus is on nutrition, food preparation, recipes and cooking. Guidance is provided as to what to eat on an everyday basis both in wellness and sickness. Students have an opportunity to gain understanding of nutritive value of foods, Vedic classification of foods, benefits of herbal juices. Recipes for food - main courses and desserts are shared. Case studies are used to reinforce concepts.
Prerequisite: NHS 5001 Introduction to Natural Health Science
Fees: US $199 for International students (INR 10,999 for students residing in India.)
Duration: 15 weeks - Starting from June 3, 2023 (14 recorded lectures and 15 live tutorials)
NHS 5003 Hydrotherapy (3 credits)
This course focuses on the role of water as a healer. Students learn types and benefits of baths, including spinal bath, hip bath and foot bath . Guidance on use of tona, enema, ablutions, wet packs, fomentation in healing of acute and chronic conditions is imparted . Case studies will be used to reinforce concepts.
Prerequisite: NHS 5001
Fees: US$199 for students residing outside (INR 10,999 for students residing in India).
Duration: 15 weeks - Starting from June 3, 2023 (14 recorded lectures and 15 live tutorials)
NHS 5004 Air Cure (2 credits)
An intensive ten weeks course for using air internally and externally in our body to overcome diseased conditions to return to normal health. Learn Vedic guidelines to use air to repair, maintain and improve health and best ways of doing Pranayama. Simple to understand and easy to apply effective techniques that contain many simple but intricate details of different ways patients can recover their health. Also get to see testimonials from patients who got back to normal health from asthma, bronchitis, eczema, psoriasis etc following this path.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Natural Health Science
Fees: US $149 for International students (INR 7999 for students residing in India)
Duration: 10 weeks, starting from June 3, 2023 (10 recorded lectures and 10 tutorials)
NHS 5005 Solar Therapy (2 credits)
Sunlight not only influences the spirit in each living being including all the plants that grow on this earth but also heals from many destructive diseases which have been declared incurable. Learn systematic application of solar therapy according to Vedic guidelines to repair, maintain and improve health even in most destructive diseases.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Natural Health Science
Fees: US $149 for International students (INR 7999 for students residing in India)
Duration: 10 weeks, starting from June 3, 2023 (10 lectures and 10 tutorials)
NHS 5006 Ether Cure (2 credits) *NEW*
Ether Cure gives us clarity about the different ways of fasting to benefit people suffering from the three stages of illness as ascertained in our Natural Health Science and verified by our experience of a century of practitioners. This course will introduce the students about the rules governing its practice! This course will show the practical ways of fasting free from risks and capable of being followed by each and every one according to his ability.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Natural Health Science
Fees: US $149 for International students (INR 7999 for students residing in India)
Duration: 10 weeks, starting from June 3, 2023 (10 lectures and 10 tutorials)
NHS 5007 Mind and Health (2 credits) *NEW*
The mind itself is the ultimate cause of all diseases. All diseases are ultimately traceable to the defects of the mind. Dealing with the healing of mind is dealt with in these classes. Mind and Health will teach you how to regulate our mind's distractions in a way that we improve our health.
This course on mental health will prove to be the best course that you've ever taken because along with five-fold medicine described earlier, a sixth one is prescribed so that the mind may be healthful to him, who is following the health ward path.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Natural Health Science
Fees: US $149 for International students (INR 7999 for students residing in India)
Duration: 10 weeks, starting from June 3, 2023 (10 lectures and 10 tutorials)
Visit details in IHU website here: https://www.ihuusa.org/program-details.php?id=14&name=Natural%20Health%20Science